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Get Them to
the Finish Line!

Help us meet a record-high in scholarship interest.

Young people have a great interest in being collector car technicians.

We just received three times the number of applicants we expected! Here’s where we currently stand:

  • We had planned to award 10 scholarships this season.
  • With so many applications, we have more deserving students.
  • We’d like to increase our awards to 30 scholarships.
  • But, our current funding won’t meet the need.

To do this, we need your help to build a much bigger engine, with a few more cylinders to boot.

Let’s rally to meet the need.

We don’t want to turn these students away. We’re asking you to help turbocharge this cause by making a donation today.

Help us raise $100,000 over the next 60 days to ensure all applicants can have the best chance at a collector car career.

No one gets to the finish line alone.

Make a Big Impact

Over the past two years, we’ve awarded scholarships to a diverse group of talented and deserving students who are pursuing careers as classic car technicians.

The high cost of education and limited access to hands-on training makes it difficult for young car enthusiasts to enter into the auto restoration trades. Together, we can help aspiring technicians overcome these barriers and put them on a career path into the collector car industry.

You can ensure the future of collector cars. 

A lot of the technicians right now are retiring and there’s a lot of knowledge that’s not being passed down. […] The younger generation is the gap that needs to be filled to keep the industry alive and keep these cars on the road.”— Zoe Carmichael, 2022 Piston Scholar

Financial Transparency

We are proud to have received a Platinum Transparency seal from Candid in our third year of operations. We embrace our responsibility to steward the gifts of our donors for the greatest possible impact.

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