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The Piston Foundation at the Palm Beach Cavallino Classic 2022

Key members of the Piston Foundation team attended the Palm Beach Cavallino Classic 2022, held from January 20 to 23, at the Breakers Hotel, 1 South County Rd., Palm Beach, Fla.

By Jeff Mason

January 17, 2022

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“This is the premier Ferrari event in the United States and we’re honored that Luigi Orlandini, Chairman and CEO of Canossa, which owns the event, has asked us to share our message with attendees,” said Robert P. Minnick, CEO and Founder of the Piston Foundation.

The Piston Foundation was formed in 2021 as a national public charity to fund skilled-trade education for students and apprentices who want to pursue careers in automotive craft, restoration specialties, and service.

“It’s no secret to car enthusiasts that we have a shortage of restoration specialists. While we are at an exciting time in automotive history with innovations like self-driving vehicles and electric cars, we don’t want to lose those aspects of motoring that we already hold dear.” Mr. Minnick explained.

Maria Homann, North America Senior VP Sales and Marketing with Canossa, said, “We are glad to have the Piston Foundation at Cavallino Classic because their work is critical to car enthusiasts who want to continue to enjoy collector cars. The Piston Foundation operating at a scale that the automotive industry needs in order to connect young men and women with a rewarding career. There are potential specialists out there today who need the Foundation to remove financial barriers keeping them from acquiring the skills that will make them highly sought-after employees at the best shops in the country.”

The Piston Foundation will begin awarding grants and scholarships in the second quarter of this year.

The Piston Foundation booth will be located in the sponsor area adjacent to the show field on Concorso Day, Saturday January 22. Event tickets are available at

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