Press Release: The Piston Foundation Names Sperry Hutchinson II as Manager of Development

By Judy Stropus
November 30, 2022
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GREENWICH, Conn. (November 30, 2022) – Sperry Hutchinson II, of Phoenix, Arizona, has been named the Manager of Development for The Piston Foundation, as the organization moves forward in its mission to bring more young people into the collector car industry, to bolster its fundraising outreach and to continue to spread the importance of skilled trade careers.
“The Manager of Development role is meant to coincide with this need, leading the day-to-day effort in major gift fundraising as the Foundation continues to grow,” said Robert Minnick, founder and CEO of The Piston Foundation.
Hutchinson has lived most of his life in Arizona, where he was born and raised. His love for automobiles followed him throughout his days at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles and beyond. Much of his time has been spent on automotive pursuits such as building concept cars, performing restorations, and working on print and video ad campaigns. This has led to more than a decade of experience centered around his passion and, in that time, he has gone on to create several car rallies, serving as Chairman of the Copperstate 1000 and the world’s first vintage, off-road luxury rally, the Copperstate Overland.
“I’m tremendously proud to be involved with this group,” said Hutchinson. “This role represents a real unification of my passions for the automotive world and in helping others achieve their personal and professional dreams within that space. It’s thrilling!”
“The future of our work is about inspiration and growth,” he continued. “The more we can inspire others to join us in helping young people find their own paths within the world of automotive restoration and preservation, then we’ll have fostered a future where there is more certainty about that perennial question – what will ultimately happen to these cars, these pieces of art, these pieces of history – that we care so much about?
“I hope that by applying the lessons I’ve learned from years of working in the automotive space as well as my decades in the non-profit sector that I, and every single person that is ultimately involved with The Piston Foundation, can help provide that surety, that future.”
“Sperry is an excellent fit for the role, bringing several decades’ worth of experience in non-profit leadership. His expertise in fundraising, community outreach and, of course, classic automobiles, makes him just the kind of car enthusiast Piston is looking for,” added Minnick. “Our mission to bring more young people into the collector car industry is a big, hairy goal that needs a community of support behind it. Sperry’s success as a non-profit leader, board member, and event director impressed us. He proved he has the talent and skills to build relationships that will help our scholarship and apprenticeship programs grow and thrive.”
Along with Hutchinson’s arrival comes new plans for the future at The Piston Foundation. As Jeff Mason, President and COO, puts it, “We’re already working together on exciting new things for Founders Club, Car Show Classroom, and Pistons & Pizza events. While we introduce Sperry to the beauties of East Coast racing and rallies, he’ll be teaching us the finer points of desert off-roading. That’s the great thing about car culture; it’s a passion we all can share.”
About The Piston Foundation:
The Piston Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity that funds skilled trade education for students and apprentices who want to pursue careers in collector car restoration and service. Young people are looking for career opportunities and the collector car industry needs their energy, talent, and skills.
The Piston Foundation provides tech-school scholarships to students who are taking their first steps and vehicle restoration apprenticeships to technicians who are ready to build a career. The Foundation is working to help today’s craftspeople transfer their skills to a new generation and helping young technicians build rewarding careers in the trades of the collector car industry.
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Piston Foundation scholarships are awarded to aspiring technicians to help them begin an auto restoration career. Give to the car culture you love. 100% goes to fund scholarships.
Cars for Piston Scholars
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