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How-To Website Becomes a Piston Partner

Knowledge is power and the non-profit organization Piston Foundation is pleased to designate as a Piston Partner given their ability to share a wealth of automotive Information.

By jeff mason

August 15, 2020

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Fernando J Alva Mirás, CMO and head of the Piston Partnership Program, described, “An innovative platform, is quickly becoming the do-it-yourself database for enthusiasts who want to maintain, repair, and upgrade anything from a Model T to a Huracan.” He added, “What I find attractive about DIY, and why I believe their role as a partner will be beneficial, is their strong commitment to do right in the auto industry by bringing DIY enthusiasts together.”

Brothers Steve and Nick Balisteri envisioned the virtual library because, while they feel that there is a generous spirit in those who share their knowledge of cars, it can be a challenge to find these invaluable sources.

With, we created a communal DIY repository that preserves all this knowledge. We made it easy for DIYers to share what they know.

Steve explained, “We realized many people have fixes and best practices for auto repair and maintenance but that landscape can be hard to navigate with thousands of different car sites operating on so many different platforms. With, we created a communal DIY repository that preserves all this knowledge. We made it easy for DIYers to share what they know. Our Ride and Build thread sections let car enthusiasts show off what they’ve got in their Garage.”

Fernando is particularly impressed with the Rides page of the web site. “This feature lets users show off their cars, which I think is even more important this year because so many events have been cancelled. is also making scannable ride stickers that link to users’ ride profiles. Anyone can scan a sticker they find on a car and go right to the ride page to learn about the work that went into building that car.”

Nick is excited by the new relationship. “I’m having a blast with our site and now our role as a Piston Partner, especially here in Detroit where there are so many awesome vehicles and I can meet people passionate about sharing their car stories.”

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