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A “Cars Yeah” Podcast with Sperry Hutchinson II

If you want to hear from an old-school car guy doing new-school stuff, the Cars Yeah Podcast has got you covered. In the latest episode, host Mark Greene invites Sperry Hutchinson II to discuss his new Manager of Development role at the Piston Foundation, share some of his extensive professional background, and affirm his passion for all things on four wheels.

By Christopher Perkowski

January 6, 2023

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Sperry Highlights

Sperry will be the first to tell you how much cars shaped his life during and after college. Initially desiring to write for car magazines, he quickly pivoted to more hands-on roles at local auto shops before accepting positions at U-Haul and later Hagerty. 

While certainly boasting quite the automotive background, Sperry takes the most pride in his volunteer work organizing and maintaining the Copperstate 1000 and Copperstate Overland, two rallies which he has dedicated his time and passion to for over 13 years. 

Now, as Piston’s Manager of Development, he’s helping to lead the charge in creating a clearer and more affordable pathway for young skilled trades students and technicians to pursue lasting careers of their own.

All the Little Details

This episode also features answers to some of Mark’s most thought-provoking questions for Sperry. This includes his ultimate dream car/passenger to take for a ride, his greatest life challenge thus far, and what model he would be if he ever reincarnated as a car. There’s no better way to find out than by listening to the full podcast at

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