Caffeine and Carburetors Supports the Car Community
In 1995, Doug Zumbach started Caffeine and Carburetors, a gathering of car enthusiasts on Sunday mornings outside Zumbach’s Gourmet Coffee. This year, Doug has invited The Piston Foundation to be a charity sponsor and we couldn’t be more honored to be a part of this iconic, epic, car community event.

By Jeff Mason
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Caffeine and Carburetors is Epic
Is Caffeine and Carburetors the original cars and coffee? I’ve heard heated debate about the true origins of what has become a weekend ritual for car folks across the U.S. Does it matter?
Those who have attended a Caffeine and Carburetors, or C&C as it is affectionately known, will tell you bragging rights don’t matter. C&C stands on its own as an iconic, epic, and real community event.
It is not a show. There is no judging and no awards. It is a gathering of cars and car enthusiasts, and the cars that gather in New Canaan, Connecticut on four Sundays in April, May, September, and October, are not to be believed. The most exotic European and American sports cars, modern and classic, turn up by the hundreds to roll down Pine and Elm Streets and get a spot before the crowds arrive.

This Is Our Community
So, why will you see the Piston Foundation at C&C events this year? It’s the same reason you’ll see us at Lime Rock Park and other car events across the country, these are our people and this is our community. We’re car folks, working to preserve the skills that preserve the cars that we all love.
Our scholarship and apprenticeship programs will help students and apprentices build careers in the trades of the collector car industry. We’re helping kids find paths to rewarding, challenging jobs that don’t require college degrees and mountains of debt. And we’re helping the craftspeople of today transfer their skills to a new generation.

Support the Cause
Like Doug Zumbach and the beloved C&C, you can help by donating to the cause. The Piston Foundation is the way all of us who love classic cars can help build career opportunities for young people, preserve car craft skills, and create a sustainable future for the collector car industry.

Photo by Jess Marchione and Bearded Mug Media
Support skilled trade education for future auto restoration technicians.
Give to What You Love
Make a gift that helps the next generation access the education and training they need to begin a career as a classic car technician. Gifts of any size are appreciated and will be used to fund our scholarship and apprenticeship programs.
Sponsor a Piston Scholar
Piston Foundation scholarships are awarded to aspiring technicians to help them begin an auto restoration career. Give to the car culture you love. 100% goes to fund scholarships.
Cars for Piston Scholars
Turn your collector car into education and hands-on training for aspiring collector car technicians. Your car can change lives. 100% goes to fund scholarships.
Give to What You Love
Make a gift that helps the next generation access the education and training they need to begin a career as a classic car technician. Gifts of any size are appreciated and will be used to fund our scholarship and apprenticeship programs.
Sponsor a Piston Scholar
Piston Foundation scholarships are awarded to aspiring technicians to help them begin an auto restoration career. Give to the car culture you love. 100% goes to fund scholarships.
Cars for Piston Scholars
Turn your collector car into education and hands-on training for aspiring collector car technicians. Your car can change lives. 100% goes to fund scholarships.
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