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Announcing the Piston Foundation Partner Program

The Piston Foundation announced today that it is kicking off its Partner Program. This new program offers a unique opportunity for automotive organizations that want to support both skilled trade education and the car enthusiast community, while earning a tax deduction in the process.

By Jeff Mason

February 1, 2022

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The Piston Foundation announced today that it is kicking off its Partner Program. This new program offers a unique opportunity for automotive organizations that want to support both skilled trade education and the car enthusiast community, while earning a tax deduction in the process.

“We’re pleased to welcome Gregory Nussbaum as our Partner Program Manager,” said Robert P. Minnick, CEO and founder of the Piston Foundation. “He brings strong marketing and sales skills, formerly working with some of the most notable names in auto insurance. He has a solid vision for implementation of our unique program and I believe he will be very successful in aligning a company’s philanthropic giving with the grassroots needs of the car enthusiast community.”

The Piston Foundation was formed in 2021 as a national public charity to fund skilled-trade education for students and apprentices who want to pursue careers in automotive craft, restoration specialties, and service. This program has real-world impact. Each scholarship helps a student pay the cost of skilled trade auto education at a two- or four-year school for one period of one year. For those awarded automotive restoration apprenticeship grants, the Foundation augments the apprentices’ wages while they learn their craft. Qualifying students and apprentices can apply for funding each year.

Mr. Nussbaum explained, “I’ve loved cars my whole life and to have the chance to give back to my favorite pastime is an honor. I see many exciting possibilities as organizations in the automotive industry do their part to ensure we have enough restoration specialists. Corporate Social Responsibility can come alive when implemented in the way we’re planning to roll out this new program.”

Companies who participate in the new program will enjoy increased visibility of their brand as they are recognized as a Piston Foundation Sponsor on the Foundation’s soon-to-be-launched new website, across all forms of social media, and at key events.

More information about the Piston Foundation’s sponsorship program is available by calling Mr. Nussbaum at (917) 817-0043 or emailing

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